Welcome to another Dermatica Skin Journey, where we ask real people about their skin concerns, goals, and routine — and how they really got on with our personalised custom formulas.
This month, we’re speaking to Deja from the USA, who told us all about how her skin has changed since starting her Dermatica journey.
Deja tried lots of different products to help treat her acne, but they often didn’t work for her skin type. We caught up with her to see how she’s been getting on since she discovered Dermatica…
Hi Deja! Tell us about your skin journey before Dermatica.
My skin has always been oily and acne prone. I identified some of my triggers, like not washing my face or changing my pillow cases often enough, but even with a good routine I couldn’t beat the breakouts.
What made you try Dermatica?
My sister was already a Dermatica user and she recommended it! I was having a really bad breakout and nothing was helping, so I thought I’d give it a try.
We’re so glad you did. How are you finding it so far?
I feel like I saw a difference overnight. My pimples started reducing very quickly, and my skin reacted to the formula straight away. Since then, my confidence has grown, and I finally feel like I have my acne under control again — I even feel comfortable not wearing foundation every day.
Not having to visit a dermatologist face-to-face is such a bonus, too. I never realised it would be this easy to get something that actually works for my skin.
It’s great to hear that. How has your skincare routine changed since starting treatment?
It hasn’t changed too much. My morning routine is the same — cleanser, moisturiser and SPF. Before, I’d use a toner for acne every night, but it only worked half the time. Now, I just wash my face, moisturise and use my Dermatica formula. I’ve been surprised by how easy it is to get real results with a basic routine, without using the most expensive products.
What advice would you give to someone who has similar skin to you?
I’ve made plenty of skincare mistakes in the past, and learned from them. Don’t use lots of products on your skin during active breakouts — it just makes them worse. Also, not every product will work for your skin type, so do your research to make sure you’re using the right ingredients for you.
Finally, what’s next for you on your skin journey?
For now, I’m very happy with my results and plan on continuing with my treatment to see more improvements. My goal is to never wear foundation again (or at least only occasionally) and be comfortable doing the rest of my makeup routine with confidence.
keeping it simple really can be the way forward when treating acne
Our derms say…
“Deja has made amazing progress on her Dermatica formula, and in such a short space of time, too! We can see a big difference in the size and frequency of pimples on her face, which’ll continue to improve with patience and consistent use.
This is also a textbook example of how keeping it simple really can be the way forward when treating acne. The retinoids in Deja’s treatment are the most effective active ingredients for acne, and she mentioned that her skin reacted almost immediately to them! We expect to see a visual improvement at the 4–6 week mark, but the ‘best’ results usually appear between 8–12 weeks.”
Want to share your skin journey with the Dermatica community? Head to our Facebook to join the discussion, or tag us in your skin selfies on Instagram with the hashtag #DermaticaDifference.
To see more Skin Journeys, click here.

Dr Catriona Maybury
Dr Catriona Maybury is a Consultant Dermatologist, working as Medical Lead for Dermatica and at St George’s Hospital in London. Catriona completed her specialty training at St John’s Institute of Dermatology in London. Catriona has a special interest in medical dermatology, completing a PhD in liver fibrosis amongst psoriasis patients at King’s College London. Catriona is a certified coach and worked as Dermatology Section Editor for the British Medical Journal.